WAMH opens new skills center
Published 7:22 pm Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The board and staff of West Alabama Mental Health held a dedication celebration of the Lloyd, Matthews-Watkins Life Skills Center recently. “Mr. Hugh A. Lloyd, was the attorney of record for the Board since the incorporation of the agency,” Executive Director Kelley Parris-Barnes said. “Caroline Matthews was one of the original volunteers and then an employee and remains an ardent supporter.
Mr. Nathan Watkins was here for the first meeting of the Board. We lost Mr. Lloyd in February but Caroline Matthews and Mr. Nathan Watkins are here to support us every day.”
The Life Skills Center will provide services to 44 individuals with mental illness each day.
These services are designed to provide supports such as money management, cooking, social skills building and household maintenance so participants will be able to remain healthy and in the community.
Dr. Bryan Hatchett, Chairman of the Board, served as the emcee for the evening and blessed the facility. Ms. Viola Abraham addressed the contributions of Ms. Caroline Matthews relating heartwarming stories of their working together to build the agency. Mr. Woody Dinning shared his relationship with Mr. Hugh A. Lloyd and Mr. Nathan Watkins.
Family members were in attendance for the ceremony as well as staff and friends of the agency.
WAMH feels honored to have the names of these great individuals on a facility that will make a difference in the lives of so many.