Food drive generates $1,300, two tons of canned items
Published 4:49 pm Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A food drive to benefit The Demopolis Food Pantry raised $1,300 and two tons of canned items. Shown are pantry volunteers, Rotary Club members and DHS students.
A food drive benefiting the Demopolis Food Pantry generated more than $1,300 for the nonprofit as well as two tons of canned items.
The drive was organized by Jason Windham, owner of Batter Up Sports Bar and Grill and Holiday Cleaners. He teamed up with the Demopolis Rotary Club and the Demopolis High School’s JROTC and Interact Club to pull the drive together.
On Tuesday, Windham, fellow Rotarians and DHS students delivered a check for $1,304 and the canned food to the pantry.
Located on Main Avenue in what used to be a Jewish synagogue, The Demopolis Food Pantry provides food to about 200 people inside the city limits each week.
Windham thanked Sgt. Jerry Black and the JROTC for their hard work.
“They are responsible for almost every can food item,” Windham said. “They did an outstanding job.”
Windham also thanked Dondi Rohr with Vowell’s, which allowed the JRTOC to set up outside the store one Saturday to collect donations.