EDITORIAL: Being at school is first step to success

Over the next week, the doors of local schools will be opening wide as students begin another year of reading, writing and arithmetic. While some students may not be ready to kiss their summer goodbye, it is an exciting time for them, parents, teachers and the community.

As parents and guardians, we all want the best for our children and that most often starts with their education. The best way to support our children at school is to make sure they are there and ready to learn. Making sure children are fully rested each morning and get to school on time is an important part of a successful day. Everyone has emergencies and illnesses to deal with, but missing a day of school should be a last resort. A student cannot be successful in school if he is not at school.

Not only should students be at school each day, but also they should be there on time. Even for many adults, they way our day begins often sets the tone for how it will progress.   Students who are tardy face the challenge of getting caught up. It may also affect other students who are put on hold as a teacher has to work to catch the tardy student up to the others. Running late is a part of life sometimes, but being late on a consistent basis can be detrimental to a child’s learning.

So, as we kick off this school year, let’s all commit ourselves to doing what we can to help our students be successful. For parents, that means ensuring our children are at school each day, are there on time, and are ready to learn.

(This editorial originally appeared in the Wednesday, August 9, print edition of the Demopolis Times.)
