Relay for Life teams raise over $30,000

Cancer survivors take to the track lined with memorials for the annual Survivors’ Walk that kicks off Relay for Life Night. The event was held Friday, May 6, at the Demopolis City Landing. This year, 12 teams joined together to raise over $30,000 for the American Cancer Society.
The Marengo County Relay for Life teams had a stellar year of fundraising, bringing in over $30,000 to help in the fight against cancer.
Twelve teams joined this year’s Relay for Life with a goal of raising $30,000. As of Friday morning, the teams had raised $30,600 with more funds expected to be added in the coming weeks.
“We commend the teams that participated,” said Bridget Mills, senior community manager for Relay For Life. “It is through the hard work and dedication of our teams that we are able to fund the life-saving work and mission of the American Cancer Society.”
The Marengo County Relay for Life Night was held at the Demopolis City Landing on Friday, May 6, featuring a night filled with activities, including the annual Survivors’ Walk that kicks off the event.
Mills said their are still pledged donations to be counted. She added that donations can still be made to the 2016 Relay for Life through August by contacting a Relay team captain or by visiting\marengoal.