Read the words before passing judgement
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 10, 2002
The Demopolis Times has received a lot of negative reaction to staff writer Audrey Haskins’ column (December 12) on justice for Osama bin Laden. Possibly many have not read her column in its entirety.
Some in the community think she was being unpatriotic by questioning the tactics of our government in bringing the terrorist to justice.
First, she stated that she believed bin Laden was guilty. Many in the community would no doubt like to see him killed in the desert. Despite her personal feelings, she wished for him to receive proper justice.
Second, she questioned the release of the recent video tape of his comments on the September 11 attacks, concerned that it might prejudice a future trial of bin Laden. In the fundamental principles of justice this country stands on, Haskins was asking that justice be served even for the most loathsome.
As she said "Let me be clear &045; I’m not defending bin Laden and I’m not forgiving anything he may be responsible for, but having sat through my fair share of jury trials I know that there comes a time when the prosecutorial machine develops a mind of its own."
Third, you can disagree with what Haskins described as President Bush’s "Texas cowboy mentality" about rounding up bin Laden. We all support the president in the current war on terrorism, but we don’t have to like everything he says and does.
Haskins said herself she may be naive, but she would like to see bin Laden on trial and the U.S. put forth the viable prosecution that show the world his guilt and discredit his distortion of Islamic beliefs.