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A Westrock representative prepares to meet with jobseekers at the Demopolis Civic Center on Thursday morning, June 13, 2024. | PJ Poellnitz, The Demopolis Times

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West Alabama Works to host job fair in Demopolis

West AlabamaWorks has been organizing hiring events across the region for several years. They will be returning to ...


RNs, retail sales and supervisors are the top jobs in December

Data collected and analyzed by the Alabama Department of Labor’s Labor Market Information (LMI) Division shows that in ...

Business of the Month

Alabama Power plant named business of month

The Demopolis Area Chamber of Commerce announced Monday that the Alabama Power’s plant in Greene County is the ...

Main Street Demopolis

Demopolis Council approves business incentive package

By James Phillips After a lengthy discussion, the Demopolis City Council approved guidelines and procedures for a new ...

U.S. Jones Elementary

Making a difference: U.S. Jones peer helpers donate toys for DHS

The U.S. Jones Elementary Peer Helper group partnered with Windham Motor Co. to collect toys for Marengo County ...


Six participants learn business fundamentals

On Dec. 13, the Rural Business and Training Center (RBTC) celebrated the completion of another round of CO.STARTERS ...


History in her hometown: Demopolis native returns to offer mental health services

Crystal Mullen-Johnson wants to make history in her hometown. On Friday, Nov. 1, she is returning to her ...


Raby shares his journey to health

Growing up in Linden, Vidal Raby had a difficult time from an early age. He not only struggled ...


Rural Health Medical Program receives $600k to offer mental health care

The Rural Health Medical Program based in Selma received $600,000 Thursday to expand its mental health care services ...

Business of the Month

Law firm named top business of the month

Manley, Traeger, Perry, Stapp & Compton was named the Demopolis Area Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month. ...


Warren chosen as trustees president for Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences

The Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences (ASHS) took another significant step forward last week when the Board of ...


BSBS Foundation pledges support to ASHS

The Caring Foundation of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama (BCBSAL) has pledged major ongoing funding for ...

Demopolis Area Chamber of Commerce

BBS Band rocks Rockin’ on the River

The Demopolis Area Chamber of Commerce has been hosting its Rockin’ on the River series each Thursday during ...


Marengo County Historical Society awarded grant for Water Tower Park

The Marengo County Historical Society is grateful to announce the completion of a grant awarded by the ALA-TOM ...


Gov. Ivey awards grant for weatherization assistance in Marengo County

Gov. Kay Ivey has awarded just over $3 million in grants to lower energy costs for low-income residents, ...

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