Latest Opinion


DAYS GONE BYE: Being thankful

By Tom Boggs You know, I flat out didn’t write a column for this week last week the ...

Faith and Family

REFLECTIONS: Preachers Who Make Tents

By Michael J. Brooks I met him while visiting our daughter’s church lately, and we had a brief ...

Faith and Family

MEET ME AT THE CROSS: In everything give thanks

By Dean Kelly “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for ...


DAYS GONE BYE: That middle of the line

BY TOM BOGGS I find myself watching the football players in the middle of the line a heap ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Please continue to support school taxes

Dear Editor, As a proud resident of Marengo County, I’m writing to express my strong support for the ...


DAYS GONE BYE: Boys at Alabama in ‘57

I came across an old picture of a group of boys in T shirts on the campus of ...


MATHEWS: Painting the ol’ town with banners

By R.A. Mathews They called it “Painting the ol’ town red” when I was a youth minister — ...


BROOKS: A Long-Standing Grudge

By Michael J. Brooks I thought about it last fall before a two-day hobby convention in September — ...


EDITORIAL: School board tasked with difficult duty

An Editorial Opinion of The Demopolis Times Last week, we heard about Superintendent Anthony “Tony” Willis’ decision to ...


DAYS GONE BYE: Barney Fife looks after South Marengo

I think I might have touched on this story twenty years or so ago, but whether I did ...


Back to school gets here faster each year

Today is the last day of July, and guess what that means? Back to school. Yep, that’s right. ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The Importance of Rural Hospitals

Dear Editor, Many small rural hospitals are at immediate risk of closing. More than 50% of the 600 ...


OPINION: Be safe out there on the roads, waterways

An Editorial Opinion of The Demopolis Times The Independence Day holiday is upon us, and with that, there ...


OUR OPINION: The right way to buy a new truck

An Editorial Opinion of the Demopolis Times The City of Demopolis is not going to have to go ...


KELLY: Handle it like Job

By Dean Kelly I wish I could handle things like Job did. This man recorded in the Bible ...

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