Providence neighbors go sightseeing in Greensboro
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 17, 2002
Jimmy Barnes of Powder Springs, Georgia and Holly Mobley of Dallas, Georgia spent Friday and Saturday with his parents, Sug and Arlene Barnes. The group and Jason and Anne Johnson, Danny and Harper visited Ben and Robin Ponder in Moundville Saturday and enjoyed a delicious cookout.
Adolph and Sandra Davis visited her sister, Chris Colburn, Thursday in the Bibb County Hospital. Chris had been moved Monday from DCH Regional Medical Center. We wish her a speedy recovery. They visted another sister, Ruby Ingram, in Centreville, also.
Tionna Dickinson and Cade of Calera spent the weekend with her parents, Raiford and Elouise Duncan.
Providence expresses sympathy to the Coralie McAlpine family in her death Friday. Her funeral was held Sunday at the Baptist Church in Demopolis.
Jerry and Brenda Ray, Muriel Glass and Dakota Yelverton visited Robbie and Marsha Vogel, Rachael and Morgan Saturday in Montgomery. They attended Rachael’s fifth birthday part at the United Gym Star. Happy birthday Rachael!
Harold and Bobbie Quinney and their grandson, Matt Etheridge, spent Friday through Sunday visiting their daughter, Paige Smith, Pierce and Sellers in Eufaula. They enjoyed the annual pilgrimage, and Harold visited his cousin, Bill Quinney, also.
Dora Laboid and Ray Peeples spent Friday and Saturday with their daughter, Peggy and Wayne Harris, and other relatives in Selma.
Danny Davis took his mother, Catherine Davis, Wednesday to HealthSouth in Tuscaloosa, where she had cataract surgery. Rev. Allen Patterson was with them also. Judy Davis took Catherine for a follow up on her eye Thursday.
Connie Ballas went Saturday to Chatam and got her granddaughter, Ann Lonergan, to visit until Monday with her and Eddie and other relatives. Connie and Eddie took her home Monday.
Charles and Jean Osburn, and Roger and Wendy Burge, went Saturday to Tuscaloosa and visited their son and grandson, Andy Burge, who is a student at the University of Alabama. They enjoyed dining out.
Kip Yelverton is a patient in St. Vincent’s Hospital in Birmingham, where he underwent total knee replacement Tuesday. His wife Dana is staying with him. Please remember them in prayer.
Rev. Allen and Barbara Patterson went Saturday to Montevallo, where their daughter, Jaclyn Johnson and Dakota, went with them to visit a friend, Levonie Duren of Littleton, Colorado, who was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wright in Clanton.
Nell Quinney is recuperating at home after undergoing arm Surgery March 28 and 29 at DCH Regional Medical Center in Tuscaloosa. Her brother, Rev. Donald and Janet Cannon of Johnson City, Ilinois, visited her Sunday. They are visiting his mother, Mrs. Myrtle Cannon and Bobby and other realtives and friends in the area. Please remember Nell in prayer.
Richard and Donna Leach, Dakota and Olivia of Prattville visited her grandparents, Pete and Mary Ruth Duke, Sunday. Visiting the Dukes also were his mother, Effie Duke, Ida Lee Bridges and Bessie Thigpen and their granddaughter, Estelle and Johnnie Clements, Marie and Wendy of Moundville.
The Clements were en route home after vacationing at the beach.
Bernice Woolf honored her sister, Julia and Gaston Nichols, Lenora Mitchell and Cecil Joyner, with a birthday dinner Saturday. Happy birthday Julia!
Catherine Davis, Dora Laboid, Georgia Cobb, Minnie Foxhall and Frances McGraw enjoyed sightseeing and dining Sunday in Greensboro. The azalea and dogwood in bloom were beautiful.
Willie Frank and Brenda Johnston and Byron Johnston spent Friday and Saturday in Centreville. Brenda visited her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Moore. Willie Frank and Byron barbequed Saturday for opening day of a tournament at the Bibb County ball park.
They enjoyed attending the games in which their grandsons, Kannon and Kyle Johnston played.
Rex and Kay Courtney hosted Easter Sunday lunch at their home. The following persons were in attendance: Wayne and Martha Courtney, Brian and Mellasond James, Emily and Libby, Scottie and Kendra Hamilton, Courtney and Celia, Mary Criswell and Skylar, Jeffrey and Donna Thornton and Mary, John Courtney, Thomas Courtney, Kathy Courtney, Brianna and James, Bubba and Anne Bullock, Annie Rhea Bullock, Mike and Linda Aitkin, Minnie Foxhall, Matthew and Clare Courtney, Tyler and Walker.
Willie Frank and Brenda Johnston celebrated their 36th wedding anniversary Sunday in Tuscaloosa. Congratulations!