Vice wants progress on city projects
Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 26, 2002
Linden Mayor Pat Vice asked the city council Monday to make progress on needed construction in the city.
He expressed his support for additional land for recreational use by youth and the elderly in the city. "We need more park and recreation areas," Vice said. "We need more diversions for our young people other than hitting the street, smoke a cigarette, kick ing a football on a gravel street.
Residents should not have to wait in line to use a softball or soccer field, he said. "We have a few dollars in the capital improvement fund. Let’s revisit that."
The mayor also addressed the need for a new city hall. "Let’s find a direction that we’re going to go, and let’s go," Vice said. The council had talked about three options: "if we’re not going to build a new one across from the bank, then this council needs to declare that land surplus, and sell it at a premium price, and go to where we’re going to build a city hall.
If we’re going to look at the old (Dr. Gerald) Williams building, we need (to move forward).
…I believe it is the consensus of this council that we do want to build a functional city hall," Vice said.
The mayor also talked about the old Linden Manufacturing building, and letters have been sent out soliciting bids to tear down the add-on buildings.
In other action from Monday’s meeting, the council Monday approved the extension of hours for alcohol sales. Alcohol sales will be now be allowed 24 hours except for Sunday and Christmas Day. The law will go into effect in two weeks, said City Clerk Pam Duke.
The gaming machine ordinance was changed to read "vending machines/slot machines." Each machine will be taxed $100 annually.
Taxes for approximately 21 machines had already been received by the city, said City Administrator Cheryl Hall.
The council denied an on-premises alcohol license to Grayson’s Quik Stop, located across from the Marengo County Courthouse.
Mayor Vice was critical of a recent newspaper editorial concerning a working session held by the Linden City Council. "There was a paper of general circulation around here that said we had an illegal meeting, a working meeting of the council," he said.
A resolution was approved for National Nursing Week and to honor the local nursing home board and employees. "We’ve probably got the best nursing home in the state," Vice said.
A resolution was also approved to honor the Linden City Board of Education for the good condition of the Linden High School for the recent reunion of the Class of 1941.