Bankruptcy voids employee raises
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Personnel in the Greene County Sheriff’s Department will not receive raises due to complications with the county’s bankruptcy agreement.
Greene County Sheriff Johnny L. Isaac addressed the county commission Monday morning and asked why his requests for raises had been denied.
Funding for the raises, affecting 19 employees, was approved by the commission in the fiscal 2004 budget.
County Administrator Mattie Atkins told Isaac that according to the county’s plan with the bankruptcy court raises must mirror whatever state employees are receiving. Due to funding shortfalls, state employees are not receiving any raises.
The sheriff asked why other county employees are receiving raises. "The only increase that has been given is because of a classification change," she said.
Isaac asked if changing the classifications of each employee would allow him to give raises. Atkins said the classification changes would have to adher to governmental survey recommendations by Auburn University. The sheriff questioned whether the county had to go by those recommendations. The county has been adhering to those recommendations, said Commission Chairman Chris Beeker.
Isaac said later he would not want to change the classifications because it wouldn’t be fair to the process. He was disappointed that his department raises (approximately $6,000) were approved in his budget but cannot be awarded due to a technicality.
He has tried to give raises for a few years now. "It’s not a lot that I’m asking," Isaac said.
In a related item, the sheriff said he hopes the new Greene County Jail will be open by the end of November. Furniture and other equipment needs to be moved in, and a few more employees need to be hired.