Bostick believes city can move past appointment controversy
Published 12:00 am Monday, February 9, 2004
Lew Bostick was officially sworn in Jan. 28 to fill the unexpired term of the late B.L. Abrams on the Eutaw City Council. Only two members of the council were present at the swearing in at city hall, David Spencer and Hattie Edwards.
At the Jan. 27 council meeting, Bennie Abrams III told the council his family had been stabbed in the back by the appointment of Bostick. The younger Abrams said his late father wanted him to serve out the term.
Councilman Spencer had suggested the Abrams family and Bostick get together to work out the situation in a Jan. 29 meeting. People of good should have been able to come together to work out the problem, Spencer said Friday.
The Jan. 29 meeting was held as a public council meeting, which Spencer said was not appropriate. Bostick was not able to attend either the Jan. 27 or the Jan. 29 meetings.
In a letter sent out to local media, Spencer said Mayor Raymond Steele had approached the younger Abrams a day after his father passed. “Bennie, as I understand, responded to the effect that he would be glad to serve.”
The council met two days later, but Spencer said the mayor did not tell the council of Abrams’ wishes.
Spencer said he tried to talk to Abrams over several weeks and finally talked to him Dec. 23, where Abrams expressed an interest in the position.
However, the council voted Jan. 13 unanimously to appoint Bostick.
In a letter to the media, Bostick wrote that the town of Eutaw needs to let go of past troubles. “Let us strive to become dominated by our attitudes of patience, kindness, hope and perseverance,” he said. “With these goals, the results will be amazing.”
Bostick encouraged all citizens to attend regular council meetings “and to become enlightened on important city business.” He swore that he would help bring back trust in city officials.
Despite the controversy, Spencer believes Bostick will be able to serve successfully on the council. The people of District 5 have confidence in him, Spencer said.