Rules and Guidelines for Absentee Ballots for the June 29, 2004 Primary Run-Off Election

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 23, 2004

Applications for absentee ballots must be filed in the office of the Absentee Election Manager/Circuit Clerk not less than (5) days prior to the Election. The deadline to apply is Thursday, June 24, 2004 by 5 p.m. The deadline to apply for Medical and Business emergencies is no later than the close of business one day prior to the election.

Any qualified elector of this State may vote an Absentee ballot, provided they meet the requirements as contained in the application, which is available in the office of the Absentee Election Manager/Circuit Clerk, located in the Circuit Clerk’s Office, Marengo County Courthouse.

Applications are also available for download at

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After completing and signing the application, the voter may hand the application to the Absentee Election Manager/Circuit Clerk or forward it by U.S. Mail. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO BRING IN AN APPLICATION FOR ANOTHER PERSON (not even a family member), the only exception being a Designee for a Medical Emergency. By law, the Absentee Election Manager/Circuit Clerk can only accept one application per envelope that is received by the U.S. Mail. The application must provide the Alabama residence address where the voter is registered to vote, even if the ballot is to be mailed to another address where the applicant/voter regularly receives mail.

The Absentee Election Manager/Circuit Clerk may hand the ballot to the applicant/voter, or forward it by U.S. Mail to the applicant’s voter’s residence address or upon written request to the address where the applicant/voter regularly receives mail. NO ONE CAN RECEIVE OR RETURN A BALLOT FOR ANY OTHER PERSON (not even a family member), exception being a Designee for Medical Emergency. INSTRUCTIONS WILL ACCOMPANY EACH BALLOT AND MUST BE FOLLOWED CAREFULLY TO INSURE THAT YOUR BALLOT IS COUNTED.

A copy of identification must accompany the ballot. The law provides for a Provisional Ballot where: 1) identification is not properly provided; or 2) the voter is not identified as appearing in the precinct for which the voter seeks a ballot; or 3) an absentee precinct inspector or clerk has knowledge that the individual is not entitled to vote at the precinct applicable to the voter’s ballot and challenges the voter’s right to vote a particular ballot. The law provides ways for voters to correct deficiencies so that provisional ballots can be counted.

Ballots must be returned by the voter in person to the Absentee Election Manager/Circuit Clerk’s office no later than 5 p.m., one day prior to the election or, if mailed, must be postmarked no later than one day prior to the election and received in the mail no later than noon on June 29, 2004. Business emergency ballots must be voted in the office in person and handed to the Absentee Election Manager/Circuit Clerk. Medical emergency ballots must be returned no later than noon on Election Day.

Any person desiring to vote Absentee may come by the Circuit Clerk’s office. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.