Car shot with an assault rifle
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 9, 2004
BOLIGEE-A local resident of the Tishabee community in Boligee was shot at with an assault rifle while leaving a local club in his pickup truck on Saturday, June 5. The altercation between two old rivals left one of them with hundreds of dollars in damage to his truck.
Greene County Sheriff Johnny L Isaac said Randy Scott of Boligee, Tishabee community reported around 1-2 a.m. on Saturday morning; he was at a local club in Boligee when he and the suspect got into a verbal confrontation. He said the suspect left the club and he decided to leave before the suspect came back.
“Scott left the club and while on the way home, the suspect pulled up beside him and shoot the vehicle with an assault rifle,” Isaac said.
He said Scott called the Greene County Sheriff’s Department and they responded to the call. He also said they arrested the person, Warren Longmire Jr. 25, of Boligee, Tishabee community who is suspected of shooting out the left rear tire of Scott’s Chevy S-10 pickup truck.
“Longmire was arrested on Saturday morning at his residence and was charged with shooting in an occupied vehicle,” Isaac said.
He said Longmire was placed in the Greene County jail and is currently awaiting his bond hearing. He also said this isn’t the first time that Scott has been shot at while driving his truck.
“He was shot sometime last year while driving his truck and we think it may be the same person we currently have in jail, but there isn’t much we can do about that incident,” Isaac said.