If elected mayor, Vanessa Hill has big dreams for the city of Greensboro
Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 25, 2004
GREENSBORO-In a small downtown building, there is a woman running for mayor named Vanessa Hill who has some very big dreams for the City of Greensboro.
Hill, an entrepreneur who has a successful recording studio in Nashville, Tennessee qualified as a mayoral candidate in the Aug. 24 municipal elections.
I’ve always been a dreamer because a person without dreams is already dead,” Hill said, “I want to hear the residents of Greensboro’s dreams and bring our city back to life.”
Once elected, Hill said she plans to turn her building into a recording studio and have a section of the wall for people to just come in and write their dreams on the wall for her to read.
“Everyone has dreams and right now, the City of Greensboro has lost its dreams,” Hill said.
Hill, who was born in Detroit, Michigan, but raised in Greensboro, will face two other candidates in the Aug. 24 election. J.B. Washington and Melvin Lightning have all qualified to seek the city’s top post.
Hill said she fully supports bringing in new businesses and industries – something that will spark the community. She also wants to work on improving the amount of children, who leave after graduating high school to attend college, come back home and live in Greensboro.
“They are the future of our city and we need their input into the ideas that will help the city grow,” Hill said, “They’re the future leaders of the city.”
While Hill wants to build on what Mayor John Owens has accomplished during his two terms in office, Hill also believes the city will face some tough times in the coming years.
“There’s been talk of a bypass coming and if that happens then the city will be in big trouble,” Hill said, “Unless, we as a city can pull together to make Greensboro a tourist destination.”
For the past 12 years, Hill has lived in Nashville, TN – with the last couple being in Greensboro with her family. She has owned a successful recording studio in Nashville, TN as well as worked with Warner Brothers on some projects including ‘The Color of Music,’ which worked with teaching children all different kinds of music.
“Greensboro has been talking and I’ve been listening,” Hill said, “They can visit me at 1319 Main Street.”