Council takes little action in meeting
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 8, 2004
DEMOPOLIS – The city council chambers at City Hall were filled as the council’s first regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Cecil Williamson.
Minutes from Monday’s organizational meeting were unavailable for action, and Williamson told council members they would be available for adoption at the next regular meeting in two weeks.
Following a brief department reporting period, the council’s act was to adopt a proposal by Williamson that a city safety deposit box located at Robertson Bank require two signatures. Council then designated Jack Cooley as the second signer in addition to Williamson.
Williamson delayed action on board appointments until the council’s next regular meeting, a move with which former mayoral candidate Mitchell Congress, who addressed the council, agreed.
“There are people who are available and willing to serve on different boards,” he told the council. “I would urge you to consider that there are other citizens willing to serve … and [the boards would] reflect a diversity of the people.”
Williamson responded that was her reason for delaying the board appointments.
Council members also heard a request from Della Boykins, who requested that garbage fees be taken off a water bill at an uninhabited trailer she was using as storage.
“I need to keep the water on,” she told the council.
Councilman Thomas Moore made a motion the $39 garbage fee be taken off her bill. It was seconded by Melvin Yelverton and was approved unanimously.
FEMA Community Relations Officer Ray Palmer also addressed the council and provided a briefing on the types of individual assistance offered to homeowners and renters under the major disaster declaration signed by Pres. Bush following Hurricane Ivan.
He stressed those will losses or damage from the storm should call the FEMA Tele-registration hotline to register.
Once registered, Palmer said a FEMA inspector would contact each applicant to inspect damage and complete the registration process.
That tele-registration hotline is 1-800-621-3362.
Following council members’ remarks, the council went into executive session. Following the session, the council appointed Jeff Manuel as public safety director and interim police chief, George Davenport as fire chief and Paula Rick as acting city clerk for 90 days.
Immediately following that action, Williamson called for a second executive session. Following that session, from which no report was given, the council adjourned with no further action being taken.