Nintendo DS at top of kids’ wish list
Published 12:00 am Friday, December 17, 2004
REGION – With Christmas just eight days away, parents who’ve waited to the last minute are in the process of searching for that special toy that their child has been asking for. Some parents still haven’t even asked their children what toys they want Santa Claus to bring them.
The number one toy on the hot list is the brand new Nintendo DS. The DS is the new big brother to the Gameboy Advance SP hand held playing system which not only has new games only for the DS, but it plays the old games from the Advance SP as well. The DS has been out for about two months now and is nearly impossible to find in the retail market.
The number two item on the list is the Apple Ipod. The Ipod is the hottest mp3 player on the market right now. These players are capable of storing around 5,000 songs. These can be picked up at any retail store.
The number three item on the list is the X-Box Holiday Bundle. The X-Box is manufactured by software giant Microsoft and is the fast selling video gaming console in the United States right now. The bundle is so special because it comes with two games (Top Spin and NCAA 2005) and usually the X-Box doesn’t come with any games. These bundles are always fast sellers during the holidays, so if the stores have any more make sure to pick it up then.
The number four toy on the hot list is the V-Smile hand held system. The V-Smile is the newest system out for the developing minds of younger children. It offers the ability to read stores to children and then have games and other activities to keep the children busy.
The fifth toy on the list is the Iquest. The Iquest is similar to the V-Smile in that it is a hand held system that is intended for the developing child. It offers the same advantages as the V-Smile.
Toys six through ten include the InteracTV DVD System, Little People: A Little People Christmas, E-L-M-O Dancing Plush, Nitro Battlerz Starter Set: Dome with 2 cars, and finally the Little Mommy Baby Doll Gift Set with carrier, stroller and swing.