Editors note: these poems were written by Dawn Pate, who recently lost her home to fire.
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 30, 2004
A Christmas Tragedy
So close to Christmas
I was jolly and free,
Without a thought
Of what was to be.
A call came in
From a lady so sad,
She had some news
It sounded bad.
A house was on fire
It was burning fast,
Pretty soon there would be nothing,
Nothing but ash.
I was worried,
I was scared.
The house, I thought
Would be so bare.
Then someone said,
With hurt in their voice
It was our house, everything gone
All of your clothes and tons of your toys.
I cried and cried,
I felt so sick
They had to find a home
And find it quick.
Thanks to Jackie&Diane
We soon had a house
Not a crumb on the floor
Not a sign of a mouse.
People were helping to give us Christmas,
A Christmas joy that we could cherish
Through all of this we had faith
The one thing we had that would not perish.
Thanks to the people
Who gave to help us all
For not being greedy
And helping us up from a fall.
Demopolis is Great
Demopolis is great
The people are kind
This is the wonderful place
I’ve had in mind.
Thank you for doing
All you have done
Thanks to you, my Christmas
Was amazingly fun.
Thank you to all of Marengo County for helping my family in our time of need. Thanks to the people who remained anonymous and the people who came forth. So many people helped, it’s not possible to mention them all. I’m just glad no one was hurt in our tragedy. So thanks, Marengo County for supporting us.
– Dawn Pate