u The Demopolis Area Chamber of Commerce is holding an ‘Attic Cleaning’ Sale during the month of January. Most Chamber souvenirs such as coffee mugs, t-shirts and ornaments will be sold at reduced pri
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 12, 2005
u Marengo Academy season basketball tickets are now on sale at the elementary school and high school. The cost is $30 per fan. This will gain admission to all home regular season games, excluding all tournaments. Home games will start at 4 p.m. starting with Junior Varsity Girls, Junior Varsity Boys, Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys.
January 15
u West Alabama Sav-a-Life Crisis Pregnancy
Resource Center
will be celebrating its 15th Anniversary of organization in Demopolis with an “Evening of Hope” at the Demopolis Civic Center on Saturday, January 15, 6:00-8:00 pm. This event will kickoff the Sanctity of Human Life week which is January 16-23.
Everyone with a heart for Sav-a-Life and its continued ministry to this area are invited to attend. Door prizes will be given throughout the evening. There will be no charge for the event but love offerings may be given to the organization.
January 18
u Tuesday, January 18, Demopolis High School will host it’s community blood drive at 8:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M. in the school gym foyer.
January 24
u The next book club meeting will be January 24, 2005 at 5:30 at the library.
We will discuss Pearl Buck’s classic, The Good Earth.
Copies are available to check out from the library.
Hope to see you there.
February 7
u The Demopolis Area Chamber of Commerce will host it’s 89th Annual Chamber Banquet and Dinner on Monday, February 7, 2005.
The event includes a silent auction and reception beginning at 6:00 p.m. with dinner starting at 7:00 p.m.
Immediately following dinner, Allen Bishop, Chairman of the Board, will recognize outstanding chamber contributors for the past year, provide a brief overview of chamber activities and accomplishments and then present this year’s awards for business and individual achievements.
The guest speaker for the banquet this year is Lucy Baxley, Lieutenant Governor of the State of Alabama. Tickets are on sale now for $25.00 each and can be purchased at the chamber office.
The deadline for purchasing tickets is Friday, January 28, 2005.
Please contact the Demopolis Area Chamber of Commerce at 334-289-0270 for any additional information.
February 25
u Two rivers arts council presents a Springer Theater production of Cotton Patch Gospel, at 7 p.m., Feb. 25, 2005, at the Old Main Street School.
September 18
u The Two River Arts Council will present “Mark Twain Live”, with the location to be announced.
November 6
u The Two River Arts Council will present Chagall Trio, with the location to be announced.
u Retired USAF Personnel.
I am interested in US Retired Air Force troops getting together.
Please contact me so I will know who and how many are here and might be interested,
Julian D. “Buzz” Sawyer at 289-0455.
u The Volunteer Community Resident (VCR) group meets every Thursday at 5:15 p.m. The VCR is a non-profit organization that captures the minds of youth and adults by educating them about Christ. If you like to sing, praise, dance or read poetry, join VCR by attending the meetings at the Hope Hill Center on East Pettus Street across from the Hilltop Circle. Parents who want more information or children who need a ride, call 289-5260 or 289-7151.
u In June the Two River Arts Council will host its Annual Artists Showcase.
There will also be more live concerts, free movies and other special events to be announced soon.
u Take a Walking Tour of the UWA Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition on the University of West Alabama campus in Livingston, AL. anytime by contacting Penny Seale (205) 652-2701.
u Life After Loss meets the first Monday of each month in the Activity Center of the First Baptist Church of Demopolis at 7 p.m. If you have experienced loss of a loved one, a job, health or any loss these meetings are designed to help you. The meetings are free and confidential. For more information, call (334) 289-1709 or 289-0780.
January 16
u There will be a meeting for all members of the MaChis Lower Creek Indian Tribe of Alabama on Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 2:00 P. M. CST at the Coffee County Farm Center Community Room located on U .S. Highway 84 East,New
Brockton, Alabama 36351.
For additional information you may contact Chief James Wright at MaChis Lower Creek Indian Tribe of Alabama, 708 South John Street New Brockton, Alabama 36351, (334)894-0081, or via Email:
machislowercreekindiantribe@yahoo.com or Bignancy03@aol.com.
January 21
u Friday, January 21, Linden Community, will host it’s community blood drive at 12:00 Noon-5:30 P.M. in the bloodmobile parted at the Courthouse.
January 24
u Parents in Linden with sons in grades one through five are invited to attend a meeting Monday, January 24, 2005, to acquaint them with the Cub Scout program. The 6:30 p.m. meeting will be held in Courtroom No. 2 of the Marengo County Courthouse.
The Linden Rotary Club recently voted to sponsor the new pack. Representatives from the Rotary Club and the Prairie District will be on hand to answer questions and explain the next steps to be taken in the formation of the pack.
For more information, call Glass at 295-1153 or Don Self at 295-4376.
January 28
u Friday, January 28, Greensboro Community will host it’s community blood drive, 12:00 Noon-6:00 P.M. in the bloodmobile at the Hale County Hospital.
u Tannehill Ironworks Historical State Park is now accepting applications for Tannehill Trade Days dealer spaces for 2005.
This will be the 33rd year of Tannehill Trade Days, an outdoor flea market event held the third Saturday and following Sunday of the month March through November.
The deadline for accepting completed applications by mail or at the park office is 4:30 P.M. Friday, January 28, 2005.
Applications are available by writing Tannehill Ironworks Historical State Park, 12632 Confederate Parkway, McCalla, AL 35111 or by calling the park office Monday through Friday, 8:30 A.M. until 4:00 P.M. at 205-477-5711.
January 31
u Monday, January 31, Cedar Crest Church, will host it’s community blood drive at 6:30 P.M.-9:30 P.M. in the church fellowship hall.
February 1
u On Tuesday, February 1 the Sumter County Fine Arts Council will be hosting the Angelic Harmonizing Chorus at 7:30 p.m. in Bibb Graves Auditorium on the University of West Alabama campus in Livingston, AL.
For more information or for a membership to the Sumter County Fine Arts Council, please contact Penny Seale at (205) 652-2701.
February 13
u Beginning February 13 and ending March 12, the Sumter County Fine Arts Council will be hosting it’s Spring Art&Photography Show. All entries must be turned into the Coleman Center by 4:30 p.m., by Thursday, February 10, 2005.
For more information, please contact Penny Seale at (205) 652-2701.
February 14
u Monday, February 14, Bank Trust of Demopolis, will host it’s community blood drive at 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.
February 24
u On Thursday, February 24 the Sumter County Fine Arts Council will be hosting The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chamber Ensemble at 7:30 p.m. in Bibb Graves Auditorium on the University of West Alabama campus in Livingston, AL.
For more information or for a membership to the Sumter County Fine Arts Council, please contact Penny Seale at (205) 652-2701.
April 19
u On Tuesday, April 19 the Sumter County Fine Arts Council will be hosting The Princess and the Pea by Paul Lavrakas at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in Bibb Graves Auditorium on the University of West Alabama campus in Livingston, AL.
For more information or for a membership to the Sumter County Fine Arts Council, please contact Penny Seale at (205) 652-2701.
April 21
u On Thursday, April 21 the Sumter County Fine Arts Council will be hosting The Gary Waldrep Band at 7:30 p.m. in Bibb Graves Auditorium on the University of West Alabama campus in Livingston, AL.
For more information or for a membership to the Sumter County Fine Arts Council, please contact Penny Seale at (205) 652-2701.