Jewelry, equipment stolen in unrelated thefts
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Two May 12 thefts, which are not thought to be related, left both victims with over $1,000 worth of property missing.
The first theft occurred near Eutaw when a woman reported a burglary and multiple pieces of jewelry missing.
Greene County Sheriff Johnny Isaac said the woman had left her home for a while and returned home to find her door damaged and open.
“She stated that she had left home, returned and found her door had been forced open,” Isaac said. “She reported several items missing.”
Taken from the home was a 14-carat gold ring, valued at $250, a $5 coin ring, valued at $250, a two and a half millimeter wedding band, valued at $200, a 14 carat white gold men’s ring and an Adda pearl necklace, valued at $100.
There are currently no suspects and the burglary remains under investigation.
The same day another theft occurred in a trailer being used at a construction site by Phillips Construction out of Columbus, Miss. on Greene County Road 181.
Isaac said the company has been in town working on a project and the theft occurred after they had gone home for the day.
“They had the trailer out there where they were working on a bridge,” Isaac said. “Apparently, someone went out there after hours and broke in and stole several items.”
Taken were two three inch water pumps, valued at $600, one hammer drill, valued at $300, one skill saw, valued at $100 and a nail apron with tubes, valued at $100.
The sheriff’s department is still seeking a suspect in this case as well.
Anyone with information relating to the thefts should contact the Greene County Sheriff’s Department.