Hospital Board holds monthly meeting
Published 12:00 am Monday, August 29, 2005
While the bottom line for the fiscal year at Bryan W. Whitfield Memorial Hospital continues to reflect a rosy picture for the facility, the decline in inpatient admissions was reflected in the monthly totals.
Reviewing the monthly Report Card for the entire Tombigbee Healthcare Authority (THA), CEO/Administrator Mike Marshall told the hospital board at its meeting Thursday that the inpatient census in July was the lowest all year, but outpatient visits showed a healthy increase. He explained that fewer inpatient admissions are expected during the summer months.
He especially was pleased with the patient satisfaction surveys for all the THA’s services, which topped 90 percent.
The THA showed a profit of almost $3 million for the fiscal year, but because of the lower inpatient admission, the facility lost $23,000 in July.
Construction continues on schedule for the 10-bed geriatric-psychiatric unit, even though the Certificate of Need issued to the hospital is being challenged by L.V. Stabler Hospital in Greenville.
Marshall said the hearing on the CON is scheduled for September 7.
The staff for the new sleep lab has been hired, he continued. Greg Schumacher will run the unit, and Shawntral Sanders will serve as receptionist/clerk and be in training as a sleep technician.
Plans also are going well to have a THA primary care facility in Livingston and a satellite EMS unit in Sweet Water, he continued.
The hospital now owns the building that housed the offices of Dr. Reese Holifield and will be called the Holifield Medical Building. Space is being leased to physicians.
Marshall announced an AARP driver safety program for September and a Safe Kids program Sept. 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to provide fingerprinting for children and teach them traffic safety.
The board approved reappointments for the following, presented by Dr. Ronald Chu in his Medical Staff Report:
* Consulting — Drs. Curtis Tucker, oncology; Everett Hale, urology, Neville Wichman, radiology, and de-Graft Yankah, urology
* Courtesy – Dr. James Geyer, Neurology/Internal Medicine with the addition of Sleep Medicine privileges.
* Special Limited Staff – Deborah Chase, Nurse Practitioner
* Emergency Room Staff – Dr. Maureen Muecke, pending insurance coverage by the hospital.