Reliving history with worship and fellowship

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 30, 2005

GALLION- They were dressed in clothing from the late 1800s as they joined together for fellowship, lunch and “Old-fashioned Singing.”

Providence Baptist Church members revisited the past with a flashback service Sunday as they celebrated the church’s history and the completion of a 216-page history of Providence.

The church displayed an old Bible and the first bell ever rang at Providence in a case on top of a pulpit from the 1950s.

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Reverend Cecil Nelson, who preached behind the display pulpit from 1955 to 1958, led Providence in its Sunday morning worship.

At the close of worship, members gathered in the fellowship hall for lunch as history committee members manned the tables where history and recipe books were being sold.

“We needed a history and we didn’t have one,” committee member Sue Wilroy said.

After working on the history for seven years on and off, committee member Rhee Duke said it was “a long, hard road.”

Both members agree they have done more than their share of work on the church’s history and said someone else will have to cover 2004 and beyond.

“We’re through,” Wilroy said. “We won’t be here in 100 years to do it anyway.”

Pam Gibbs, committee member, said it was important for a lot of the older members to have a history of Providence.

“It’s a big deal so I wanted the church to celebrate.” Gibbs said. “We wanted to make it a big, special day for everyone to celebrate.”

Picture Caption: (left to right) Madison Davidson with Providence Baptist Church historians, Pam Gibbs, Ted Cassity, Trula Vee Quinney, Sue Wilroy and Rhee Duke.