Jemison knocks off Raiders, 57-28

Published 12:00 am Monday, September 12, 2005

Jerry Hinnen / Sports editor

It was a long hard fight through the first half for the Jemison Panthers and the Greensboro Red&Black Raiders.

The scoring started early in the first quarter when Steven Blalock of Jemison caught the Raider running back in the end-zone for a safety and 2 points with 11:05 left.

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With only 33 seconds left in the first quarter, Greensboro quarterback, Ivory White, hit number 78, Adrian Williams for the first touchdown of the game.

Jeffery Alexander, the Panther quarterback, kept the ball in the air for most of the second quarter.

Number 16, Michael Seeley, a senior wide receiver, caught 3 passes for touchdowns.

Raider quarterback, Ivory White had a good first half throwing a pass to Mike Wiggins for 68 yards and a touchdown.

With 5:39 left in the second quarter, White ran the ball in from the 8 yard line for a score making it 22 to 20 at the half.

This is White’s first year to play football and, with him being a junior, the Raider fans have a lot to look forward to.

The second half started slow but the Panthers came back with a vengence with completions from Alexander to Seeley for a touchdown and to sophomore tight end Shawn Atchison 78 yards and a touchdown.

Seeley had five receptions for 110 yards and four touchdowns in the game.

Alexander spread the passes around last night, throwing to the senior wide receiver Casey Welch for 65 yards.

Junior tailback Justin Elkins had three receptions and 23 yards and 13 runs for 70 yards.

Fullback Nick Eggers ran for 55 yards and a touchdown and Demetrius Tompkins scored six points and gained 56 yards.

Red Raiders running back Bruce Brown took the ball in for six on a 55 yard scramble making the final score Jemison 57 and Greensboro 28.

The game stats tell a lot of the story with Jemison rushing for 394 yards and passing for 310 while Greensboro rushed for 160 yards and 245 passing.

Penalties were also a factor.

The Panthers had 17 for 88 yards while the Raiders had 20 for 160 yards.