Livingston residents express concerns

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 14, 2005

LIVINGSTON-Since the arrival of Hurricane Katrina life in Livingston has been greatly disturbed. Scores of evacuees have made their way to town and multiple down trees have left many in the dark.

At Monday’s council meeting, a concerned group of citizens from Green Valley approached the council with questions regarding their situation during the storm. The group had been among some of the last to regain electricity and wondered why.

Livingston Mayor Tom Tartt said this was mostly due to the location of the neighborhood and the situation with down trees.

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“In this particular case the north part of town was one of the first areas to regain power and this part was one of the last,” Tartt said. “The north pat was hooked to the main power grid and the south part was not. When they finally began restoring power they found several down lines between York and Livingston and that was the reason for the delay.”

Tartt said damaged power poles are a problem they will continue to battle.

“There were about 20 to 25 poles down and that could delay some areas a little more,” Tartt said. “They could be down for three or four more days.”

Overall, Tartt said workers have put forth a tireless effort and were doing a good job.

“I think our workers have done a good job of getting the debris up,” Tartt said. “We have been slowed a little bit by some equipment malfunctions. We should have those worked out pretty soon.”

Tartt said there were also some areas that may have debris on the roadsides for a while, but city workers were laboring as fast as they could to correct the situation.

“There are some pockets out there that will have debris for a while,” Tartt said. “Our crews have been working around they clock. They have worked on Saturdays and Sundays. Right now we are doing the best we can.”