Perry opens bids for projects

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 28, 2005

PERRY COUNTY – Although Perry County Commissioners are putting the purchase of backhoes and trailers on hold for this fiscal year, they plan to pay numerous contractors to complete county tasks.

The room was silent each time Daniel Overton, Perry county engineer, ripped open a bid envelope.

After he announced the potential contractors and their offers, commissioners discussed the bids and how they fit into the budget.

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First up were the bids for a heating and cooling system in the Marion Courthouse.

Digital Information Systems of Birmingham offered to remove the old equipment and install a new electrical heating and cooling system for $147,580 while Reynolds Electric of Greensboro said they could update the system for a total of $133,379.

Even though commissioners only had two bids to choose from, they decided to recess on the topic until a later date.

“We will go through the plans and look at each one,” Commissioner Johnny Flowers said.

Next was the possible contract for solid waste collection.

Earl Ford of Uniontown offered collection for $216,000 per year and Purdy and Sons Refuge Service of Selma offered $20 a month for 1100 residential homes, which leads to a grand total of $264,000.

Rush Enterprise was chosen to provide corrugated metal pipe with a 47 percent decrease from the current charge.

The biggest discussion occurred over something U.S. residents have been talking about for the past few months, gas.

There were five bids placed to become the possible oil and gas provider for Perry County. While Commissioners agreed locally-owned Parr’s offer did not comply with the terms set for a qualifying bid, Jones’ Oil Company led to a disagreement among the community leaders.

Jones’ listed unleaded gas for $2.19, super unleaded for $2.30 and diesel for $2.41 but neglected to mention whether the company would change gas prices according to the economy.

Thus, leading Flowers to assume Jones’ would not change its prices at all.

“We need to check them against Opus,” Commissioner Ron Miller said. “That way we can compare what the prices are everyday.”

Commissioner Brett Harrison said he doesn’t think Jones’ will keep gas at $2.19 the entire year as gas prices fluctuate.

When it came time to vote, Commissioner Albert Turner Jr. made the motion to accept Jones’ as the gas and diesel provider. Harrison abstained while Miller said “nay.”

After more talks, the group agreed to extend the offer to Jones’ as long as they comply to a contract from the Commission.

NAPA of Marion will be contracted as the oil provider for Perry County.

Also at the meeting, Frances Ford from the county health department, reported to Commissioners about her visit to Washington, D.C. as an honoree at the “Celebration of Excellence” reception.

The next Perry County Commission meeting is October 4 at 9 a.m.