Greensboro gets city audit update

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 29, 2005

GREENSBORO – The Greensboro City Council received an update on its taxes at Tuesday night’s meeting.

Jeff White of Bank, Finley, White&Company said his firm has checked Greensboro’s records to ensure the city’s money is in good hands.

“Our job is to audit and find financial mistakes,” White said. “We make sure the city manages its funds properly and have a good, clean governmental practice.”

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According to White, the city of Greensboro has no need to be concerned because the city clerk, Laurie Cook, did “a good job keeping the books.”

“The audit is public knowledge,” Councilwoman Valada Paige-Banks said. “We’ve never had a problem with our books.”

Also dealing with money, the council paid a total of $8,057.35 in bills to Alabama Power, BellSouth and Southern LINC, etc. and agreed to accept a budget of $674,970 for the 2005-2006 fiscal year.

In the wake of Katrina there is a lot of paperwork to be completed in order to continue receiving help from FEMA and the Alabama Emergency Management Agency.

Thus, the council said “yes” to a motion that allows Mayor J.B. Washington to sign the necessary forms without having to consult with the council.

Cook reminded the council to read their open meetings acts information since the new act is effective October 1.

The new act will supplement the Sunshine Law and requires any governmental body to give the public and the media a seven-day notice before every meeting and lists ten specific purposes for the council to call an executive session.

The new act also gives residents the option to have direct notice of meetings from the council whether it be a fax, telephone call or e-mail, Cook said.

“Just read it before you go to bed,” Cook said. “The council needs to be familiar with it.”

Councilman Johnnie Davis recommended the city create a web page to inform residents of meetings and workshops. Cook agreed it would be a great idea, but it will not delete the task of having to post meeting times.

“Web pages are great, but I still have to give any person that requests it direct notice,” Cook said.

Davis also mentioned to the council he is trying to get a $10,000 grant to plant trees on both sides of Main Street.

Representative Ralph Howard stayed in town after unloading evacuee supplies to personally thank the City of Greensboro for permitting the use of its facilities.

“Alabama doesn’t realize the situation it is in when it comes to evacuees,” Howard said.

He also said the region needed a work force development center and a place where the industry can thrive.

“We have to look at a legislation that will work better for this region. We can’t say we want industry and not have a true industrial park.”

The next Greensboro City Council meeting will be October 11 at 6 p.m.