Griffith devotes lifetime to family and community
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Being a good mother, wife and citizen have come easily to Martha Griffith. While she has always made it a point to go above and beyond for her family and the city of Demopolis, she does it out of the goodness of her heart, not for any special recognition.
Griffith’s family heritage was already deeply rooted in the community long before she came around on July 9, 1930. Her family has had strong ties to the First United Methodist Church of Demopolis for nearly as long as it has been around, and her father and grandfather owned and operated The Demopolis Times for many years.
Perhaps her interest and involvement in the community was inherited because Griffith continues to give much of her time and energy toward bettering the city.
“I love anything that is good for Demopolis,” she said.
Griffith said the biggest blessing of her life was marrying her husband of 52 years, Eugene P. “Buddy” Griffith. Many years ago, Buddy offered her a ride, and by the time she got where she needed to go, they had their first date set for that evening. The rest is history.
After graduation from Demopolis High School in 1948, Griffith headed off to business school in Birmingham. She said she wasn’t able to attend college because a fire had recently destroyed the Times building, putting her family in a bind.
After she completed business school, Griffith returned to Demopolis with a brand new secretarial certification and a brand new husband. She began working for the Lloyd, Dinning Law Firm, and was soon after presented with a secretarial opportunity at Vanity Fair. She stayed with the company until her first child was born. Griffith was a stay at home mother to her three children, Beth, Gene and John, all of whom have since moved away from Demopolis.
Because of the care-free, and practically crime-free environment that existed in Demopolis during Griffith’s own childhood, it is clear that things have changed a great deal.
On nearly every summer morning, she would ride her bicycle down to the public swimming pool with her friends.
Griffith said they would spend the day swimming, only taking breaks for sunbathing and playing tennis. On the summer after her senior year of high school, Griffith took over the pool’s highly coveted lifeguard position.
On many evenings throughout the year, Griffith and her friends visited the Marengo Theater, one of the only air-conditioned buildings in town.
Though times may have changed, Griffith continues to support efforts to promote and better Demopolis. She has experienced many years of happiness in this city, and hopes the city will bring that same happiness to future generations.