Eutaw leaders ponder plans and problems

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 15, 2005

Rick Couch / Demopolis Times writer

In their final meeting of 2005 the Eutaw City Council discussed their future plans and current problems.

The maintenance of the Branch Heights water tank created disagreements among the council in regards to their awareness of the project. Councilman Lewis Bostick said Tuesday was the first time he had hear d of the project.

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“The thing that really upsets me is to bring this in and for the council to have no input on it,” Bostick said. “This is something the council should have had knowledge of prior to it being done.”

Eutaw Mayor Raymond Steele said maintenance was part of the city’s responsibility in their contract with Branch Heights.

“The council approved the contract that the city of Eutaw has with Branch Heights,” Steele said. “There were certain services that came along with that contract and this happened to be one of them. We get revenue from the contract and part of that revenue is to cover their services.

The problem, Bostick said, was not the maintenance of the water tank. He said this was one of several projects he did not feel the council was properly informed about.

“We just want some input into some of these contracts that e are going out and making,” Bo stick said. “Not that we would ever refuse it, but we just want to be part of it.”

Steele did not feel Bo stick had a legitimate argument. The contract, Steele said, was viewed and approved by each council member at a prior meeting.

“Your jester in unacceptable,” Steele said. “I don’t see how you can say you haven’t had a chance to view this contract when it was brought before you and all members of this council and approved. I can’t understand your argument.”

Near the end of the meeting Councilwoman Darlene Robinson said she hoped city leaders would take an opportunity in 2006 to create a vision for the future of Eutaw.

“I would like to challenge the council for 2006 to just sit down and come up with a plan,” Robinson said. “I think we need to sit down as a council and see where we want the city of Eutaw to go. I have my vision, the mayor has his vision, but I think we all need to come down and make plans and put them on the table.”

Planning for unexpected disasters, Robinson said, should be another priority.

“I would also like to see a disaster plan for the city council,” Robinson said. “We need to know if something happens in our city or our town what we are going to do. We don’t need to call 911 to see what we need to do, because as city council members, we need to know.”

The council will not hold a Dec. 27 meeting due to the Christmas holidays. They will go back to their normal routine Tuesday, December 10 at 6 p.m.