Leadership Marengo educates future county leaders
Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 16, 2006
This week the Leadership Marengo Class XII will make its annual pilgrimage to our state capitol. While in Montgomery they will hear from a number of political figures including Joe McInnes, Director of the Alabama Department of Transportation; Neal Wade, Director of the Alabama Development Office; and Lieutenant Governor Lucy Baxley. They will also have the opportunity to tour the Capitol and State House and even sit in on a legislative session.
Leadership Marengo was formed in 1994 through a partnership of the Demopolis Area Chamber of Commerce and the Rural Heritage Center in Thomaston. It was formed as a countywide program meant to bring together diverse groups of citizens. These groups do not share a common age, lifestyle or career; however, they do share a common vision of Marengo County. This vision sees this county as a progressive region where all citizens take part in a continued economic growth and an enhanced quality of life.
The purpose of Leadership Marengo is to enhance individual leadership abilities while educating participants about current issues, trends and conditions in Marengo County. It is the sole mission of Leadership Marengo to identify, educate and train potential leaders as well as further the development of current county leaders. This mission seeks to develop these leaders through an effective network and interchange of ideas in order to gain a better understanding of our economic, political and social conditions so that we progress by working together as a whole.
Leadership Marengo is an exciting and unique opportunity for those selected for the program. Each year the sessions begin in September and meet every other month until May for a total of five sessions. Each session is a daylong seminar covering high priority topics such as diversity, government, economic development, education and healthcare. Participant attendance is required for the orientation and all five seminars in order to graduate from the program. For those interested in participating in Class XIII or to find out more information on this and other leadership programs offered by the Chamber please contact our office.