Scattered brain leads to scattered thoughts

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Is it just me, or has everyone else been a little thrown off since the whole time change thing. For some reason daylight savings time is affecting me more this spring than it ever has.

I have felt like there was simply too much to do in too little time every night for the past two weeks.

My brain is being pulled in a million different directions, so excuse my thoughts, because for the first time in my editorial history, this one has no theme or congruent ideas whatsoever.

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It’s just plain random and may cause confusion. So be careful.

First off I would like to correct myself. Since my editorial about my high school back in Simsbury, Conn., I received notice that I was wrong. There were actually 18 students of color attending Westminster High School when I began my freshman year. And for my first magic trick, I will attempt to name them all…Just kidding. But I can name 12.

In case someone out there got the wrong idea about my secondary school experience, let me clarify. I enjoyed my time at Westminster. It was an eye-opening experience and I will never have the opportunity to do some of the things I did there again.

It was at Westminster where I met some wonderful, talented people, including all my great New York friends – who I love dearly.

It was there I witnessed squash – the sport- and lacrosse for the first time. It was on “The Hill” where I got my first dorm experience, even though I wasn’t a boarding student.

I threw my first shot put there. I picked up my first discus there and found a sport that I still cherish to this day. Me and my red discuss even went all the way to the New England competition where I placed in the top five in my division.

Oh yea, and I got a pretty good education there. Well, actually on a 1-10 scale, I’d give it an 8.

Speaking of my school and the friends I made in high school, one of my best friends is very active in the immigration protests. You know the college students on their campuses with the signs? Yup, that’s her. For protection purposes (I don’t want anyone going after her) we’ll call her Yasmine. Anyway, Yasmine informed me the other day that the state of New York is actually attempting to create a law that makes it O.K. for law enforcement officials to stop anyone who “looks like an immigrant, “and take them into custody until they can prove citizenship. Well, since Yasmine and her entire family are from Colombia, they are “suspect.” Why are we trying to make racial profiling legal? The last time I checked, that wasn’t fair or balanced. What, does every ethnicity have to go through a period when they are placed on the chopping block? First it was African Americans, then it was anyone who looked Arab after 9/11, now it’s anyone who’s Hispanic. In some places, it’s just everyone who looks like they could be from somewhere else. I am just happy to live in good ole America, where everyone else wants to be.

For my next trick, I will give everyone equal rights, equal treatment and abolish racism. Did it work?

On a lighter note, Habitat for Humanity is close to finishing their first house in Demopolis. I went to help paint Saturday, and aside from the quad and hamstring pains from not using those muscles in a while, I feel great. There’s just one thing – I wish more people would show up. We are always talking about community service and having the opportunity to help other people out and now the chance is here to help an entire family, but only10 people are taking advantage of it. There’s no reason anyone should have to wait seven months for a single one-story home to be built. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I will complete the Habitat for Humanity house this week with just six other volunteers. Whoops! That’s impossible. Even for magic.

O.K. so that wasn’t much lighter, but it was happy-er.

For my last and final trick, I will buy myself a new car. HA! Even I had to laugh at that one. But seriously anyone got any suggestions for a reliable, inexpensive, nice car? Preferably with a sunroof, CD/MP3 player, leather interior and low mileage.

Anyway, I am done. I think that’s all my random stuff for the day. Have a safe and blessed Easter!