Lady Eagles soar over Lady Gators
Published 12:00 am Friday, September 1, 2006
Staff Reports / The Demopolis Times
YORK &8212; The Sumter Academy Lady Eagles took the floor Thursday night against their rivals from Clarke Prep. After a first game loss, the Lady Eagles rallied for a trio of straight victories, 25-15, 25-15 and 25-22 to secure the match victory and send the Lady Gators back to Grove Hill with a loss.
The win allowed the Lady Eagles to avenge a loss from last season&8217;s state championship game.
For the Lady Eagles, Bliss Cook and Alley Rundles combined for 29 assists while Rundles led the charge at the line with a quintet of aces. Danielle Partridge kept the action moving with seven digs and was followed by Kate Derby with five and Rundles with six.
Derby kept the Lady gators at bay at the net with 11 kills and was followed by Emillie Conway&8217;s seven.
Erin Ozment also added six kills for the Lady Eagles.
In Junior varsity action, the Lady Eagles also swept their opponents from Grove Hill to the tune of 25-23 and 25-22.
Taylor Armstrong rallied for five aces and four digs. Kate Bonner had four digs and three kills.
Kristi Bracknell finished the night with three aces, a dig and a kill in the victory.