Man sentenced in 2003 murder
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Eddie Ward, who was found guilty in December of murdering Stephen Bradley Arrington, was sentenced to life in prison yesterday.
Assistant District Attorney Barrown Lankster, who tried the case, said they were hoping for life without parole because of Ward’s criminal history, but were satisfied with the sentence.
“The district attorney’s office was actually pushing for life without parole because he had three prior felonies,” Lankster said. “But, the judge had a range of decisions he could make including life to life without parole.”
Lankster also said he was happy the jury chose to take put a dangerous man away.
“We were satisfied with the jury’s verdict in the case of finding him guilty of murder,” Lankster said. “There was a lot of circumstantial evidence in the case and it could have gone either way. We felt the evidence supported the jury’s verdict and we were confident in that. We feel another criminal has been removed from the streets of Hale County.”
The murder took pace April 5, 2003 in Baptist Hill in Greensboro when Ward asked Arrington for a ride home.
Later than night, Ward was seen driving the truck recklessly at East Ridge Apartments. Witnesses said when Ward was asked about the truck he replied “the person who owns the truck isn’t worried about it. Why are you?”
Ward was also seen at a local apartment complex wearing gloves, even though it was a warm night.
Sometime between 3 and 3:30 a.m. Ward crashed the truck on his way to Newbern at the Intersection of County Roads 61 and 10. Ward then thumbed a ride, where he was said to have a gun and money. Ward later told witnesses Arrington “had to take one to the dome for these three g’s.”
A Tuscaloosa News carrier outside the Greensboro East gym discovered Arrington’s body the next day. Arrington had been shot in the back and in the head.
Ward turned himself in soon after the body was discovered, but entered an innocent plea.