England awarded four-year scholarship to UAH
Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 21, 2007
DEMOPOLIS &8212; Most ninth graders are doing their best to fit in the high school scene, learning their way around school and making new older friends. Rebecca England, a ninth grader at Demopolis High School is a typical ninth grader with the added unusual fact that she has been awarded a full tuition four-year scholarship to the University of Alabama at Huntsville. She was offered the scholarship, which is the UAH/ASF Director&8217;s Scholarship Award after winning first place in the category of Earth and Planetary Science award at the 2007 Alabama Science and Engineering Fair.
For England&8217;s project titled Kepler: Squashing the Circle One Orbit at a Time, she was awarded Best Creative Presentation, two Best of Show awards and The U.S. Army Science and Engineering Award during the fair&8217;s awards ceremony.
Competing in science fairs was a common trend to England and her family, which sparked her interest in the competitions.
England said she has a love for space and has continued preparing projects related to space throughout her years of competition.
In Englands&8217; first year competing in the state science fair England won first place overall as well as seven special awards and first in her category.
She competed again her eighth grade year and mimicked her performance in her first year, claiming the top award again.
England&8217;s teacher and school administrators acknowledged her stellar performance in the fair and wits as a student.
England said, &8220;I would especially like to thank Dr. Espy for his support throughout the project and Mrs. (Cynthia) Phillips for being my sponsor.&8221;
Phillips said England has a bright future ahead of her and there are additional competitions and opportunities for England to excel in.
But for now England stays busy as a member of the Key Club, DECA, in which she was recently chosen as a state finalist in DECA competition, a DHS and Dixie Youth softball player and was recently chosen as a Gaineswood Belle.
She is also active in the First Baptist Church of Demopolis and enjoys spending her time reading, swimming and spending time on the river.
England said she is looking forward to attending a youth leadership conference next month at Camp Chandler.
She is the daughter of Dan and Ellen England of Demopolis and the sister of Rachel England, a U.S. Jones student who recently won the overall geography fair.