DHS coach has first meeting with team

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 27, 2007

DEMOPOLIS &8212; &8220;First off, I am dang proud to be here, and I am looking forward to working with all of you.&8221;

These were the first words out of the mouth of the new Demopolis High School football coach and athletic director Tom Causey as he addressed his football team for the first time yesterday afternoon, 30 minutes before school let out for the day, in the high school auditorium. Causey, who had a going away luncheon in Andalusia the same afternoon, drove from his previous home to the school before his players left for the day to give his address.

Though Causey talked to his players about himself, giving a brief bio, and the logistics of the new program on the field, the majority of his remarks centered on the character he would expect from his players. As he outlined what he expected from his team, he began early on in his address with what he thought was most the most important requirement at this level of play:

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Causey also told players that nothing but good character and behavior would be acceptable if a student wanted to play on his team. He said that is because each player&8217;s actions reflected on the group as a whole.

He said, in relation to each person representing the team as a whole, each player would be expected to put the team ahead of themselves. He said, no matter the caliber of the player, if a student couldn&8217;t exhibit teamwork and put his fellows as a unit ahead of himself he would have a hard time on Causey&8217;s team.

Causey said he hopes to kick off spring practices next Thursday so the team can begin learning his program.