Police waiting on phone files in New Era case
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 1, 2007
DEMOPOLIS &045; Police are awaiting a second set of records from New Era Cap Company as they try to locate who was responsible for a bomb hoax last week.
Police are seeking phone records from New Era’s New York offices in an attempt to discover the originating phone number used to call in a bomb threat Wednesday morning.
Late last week, police said they had received a batch of information from their original subpoena and had begun going through the records. Manuel did not elaborate what additional information was being sought this week or from where it was being sought.
Alvin Williams, plant manager of New Era, said he believes the hoax was a result of his trying to calm fears over a rumor of a bomb threat at Demopolis High School the same morning. Williams said several employees had received text messages and phone calls that a bomb had been found at the high school.
Williams said that within an hour an unidentified person called the plant claiming explosive devices were inside.
Manuel said last week that the call was made at approximately 10 a.m. Both police and fire personnel responded to the scene. Authorities found no evidence of explosive devices after an extensive walk through of the plant.
The building was evacuated immediately following the call. New Era returned to normal business after authorities toured the building.
Detective Sgt. Tim Sorenen is leading the investigation into the bomb threat.