OUR OPINION: Support events that bring unique offerings here
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 4, 2007
The Chamber of Commerce and the City of Demopolis have been working to bring unique offerings to the city.
The Chamber of Commerce is hosting its annual Saks in the City. The events in the city park bring a taste of culture to the city that we would otherwise not have.
The Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Demopolis is hosting Movies Under the Stars tonight. Moviegoers can head down to the city landing by the river and enjoy a family movie &8212; an experience akin to the drive-ins of old.
These events and others bring new and unique entertainment opportunities to our area. They give us a chance to experience things we would otherwise have to travel to do.
For such endeavors to continue, the public must support them. We encourage people to enjoy the performances in the city park and the movies at the landing.
It&8217;s a great way to spend a little time with family and friends while being outside and enjoying the beauty of our area.
And when you see Chamber members and parks and recreation employees who help to put on these events, make sure to tell them thanks for bringing these events to our area.