Babe Ruth players get a lot of play Saturday

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 1, 2007

DEMOPOLIS &8212; After entering its summer league play with several games for each team, the West Alabama Babe Ruth League is hosting its annual Jerry Windle Day for teams in the local organization as well as for others from around the area.

Rob Pearson, head organizer of the league, said this year&8217;s day will differ slightly from what the group has done in the past. Largely a chance for teams to get more playing time, the day will also feature tournament-style match ups for teams participating.

With the single-elimination tournament side of the day, Pearson said the winners of each game will advance through a winner&8217;s bracket, while losers of each match up will work toward their three game quota by playing consolation games with others knocked out of the tournament. Pearson said besides the local teams playing during the day, Jerry Windle day will also be patronized by a team from Butler, Livingston and two from Greensboro.

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Pearson said there won&8217;t necessarily be a prize or trophy presented to the team winning the tournament portion of the day, but he feels the competitive spirit of the groups participating will provide drive enough for players to go out and give their all.

For teams involved in the West Alabama league the tournament&8217;s wins and losses will go on their records. He said they wouldn&8217;t count as in-conference match ups, but rather they would be recorded in each team&8217;s out of conference play records for the league.

Pearson said Windle had a child that played in the league approximately 10 or 15 years ago and was very involved with the goings on of Babe Ruth play. He said he died of cancer so supporters of the league decided to commemorate his work with the day.