City displays comprehensive plan

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 13, 2007

DEMOPOLIS &8212; The results from the information collected at the first community meeting for a comprehensive plan was on display at the Theo Ratliff Center on Tuesday. The exhibit was set up like an open house, where community members could come in and look at the plans at their leisure.

Larry Watts, the consultant who has coordinated the research and the construction of the exhibit, will compile the results from this informal and use them to continue working on the comprehensive plan.

When community members arrived, they were given 10 dots, which they were instructed to place on different boards throughout the exhibit. The first five dots could go on any of the boards with different headings and bullet points ranging from &8220;Economic Development&8221; to &8220;Governance and Leadership.&8221; The remaining five dots were intended to be placed on a map that showed what the city may look like if these projects come to fruition.

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Other areas that were displayed on the board included:

Civic Center

Riverfront Project

Parks and Recreation

City Services

Government and Infrastructure

Planning, Zoning and Properties

Neighborhood and Housing


Historic Preservation



Sadie Trimble and Brittany Fitts came to the exhibition to see what the plan has in store for education.

Annye Braxton also came to the exhibition because she was a part of the initial meeting held to discuss the future goals of the city.

The process of the comprehensive plan came about when the City of Demopolis pursued the help of the University of West Alabama grant service. According to Kenric Minges, director of communications and economic development program at UWA, they were able to get in contact with Watts about the project. This is the second phase of the overall comprehensive plan.

Watts hopes that they can find another venue where the boards may be on display on a more permanent basis, so more community members can give their input for the city&8217;s future plans.