Council approves increase in DFD budget
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 6, 2007
DEMOPOLIS &8212; Fire Chief Ron Few asked the City Council for a $37,000 addition to the department&8217;s originally proposed budget to cover the cost of training and travel costs for six new recruits to attend Alabama Fire College this month.
Few said the original draft of the proposed budget for DFD did not include these funds because he was unaware these costs would not be covered by the state. In addition to the cost of travel, the funds will pay for the cost of meals, books, clothing, full training gear and an air pack for each recruit, Few said.
Mayor Cecil P. Williamson said Few was under the impression that in Alabama, as in other states, an educational lottery would help fund the cost of such an endeavors.
After a vote, the council voted unanimously to award the additional funds to the DFD for this fiscal year.
Councilman Woody Collins ended an extended discussion about the renewal of the city&8217;s garbage contract with Advanced Disposal by making the motion to put the garbage contract up for bid at Thursday&8217;s council meeting.
The discussion was a result of the previous meeting, where the council was presented with a proposal from Advanced Disposal, who bought Arrow Disposal, to keep the monthly fee at $12.22 and lose one pick-up per week or keep two pick-ups per week and pay up to $5 per month more.
The issue caused mixed response from the council. Councilman Thomas Moore said his constituents wanted to keep the service running two days a week, even if it meant adding a nominal amount to the current rate.
Councilman Jack Cooley was unsure about the proposal from the company.
Mayor Cecil P. Williamson said she was in favor of maintaining the relationship the city already has with Advanced Disposal. Councilman Melvin Yelverton was also in favor of the proposed contract from the company.
After a vote, Collins&8217; motion to put the contract up for bid passed 4 to 1, with Yelverton voting against it.
The contract for the garbage service must be resolved by Oct. 1, and under bidding circumstances, Advanced Disposal is not obligated to offer the rate they offered the city during the initial renewal process.
In other business, the council:
Accepted the resignation of Jason Seay, director of the horticulture department, effective Sept. 29.
Approved the reappointment of Billy James and Allen Bishop to the Board of Adjustments.
Approved the reappointment of Rodney C. Allen to the Demopolis Housing Authority Board.
Approved the Mayor&8217;s appointment of Alex Roberson and Bill Barley to the Planning Commission.