DCSF awards grants
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 27, 2007
DEMOPOLIS &8212; With a giant check and balloons, members of the grants committee for the Demopolis City Schools Foundation visited the 29 grant recipients Thursday, awarding $55,000 total.
The grant money is awarded based on proposals from teachers in Demopolis City Schools. According to Jan McDonald of the DCS Foundation, they received 37 applications asking for $162,010.12. Of the applicants, nine were fully funded and 20 received partial funding for their proposals.
Demopolis High School winners:
Elaine Carr, project leader, &8220;Leadership Conduit &045; Needs to do It Again,&8221; $300 partially funded, for transportation to Montgomery for leadership students.
Audrey Hamilton, &8220;Vocabulary at Our Fingertips,&8221; $710 partially funded, classroom set of dictionaries and cart.
Cynthia Whitlock and Ginger Godwin, &8220;Who&8217;s Who,&8221; $975 partially funded,
biographies for the library.
Allene Jones, &8220;Mobile Technology,&8221; $1,100 partially funded, one laptop, case and cart.
Leslie Gibbs, &8220;Tools for In-depth Analysis of Literature, Part VII,&8221; $1,200 partially funded, classroom sets of novels.
Amie Attaway, &8220;Gateway to Better Presentations and Research,&8221; $490 fully funded, for a classroom projector.
Kenneth Webb, &8220;Tigers! Let&8217;s Wini!,&8221; $673.95 fully funded, for a buzzer system for the Math Team to practice for competition.
Kim Browder and Connie Boutwell, &8220;Moving Social Studies into the 21st Century,&8221; $897 fully funded, for a laptop for innovative instruction in social studies.
Rachel Etheridge, project leader, &8220;Taking Students to New Heights with InterWrite,&8221; $4,900 partially funded, for wireless Interwrite Pads and LCD projectors for the math department.
Regina Hill, &8220;Realityworks Baby Think It Over,&8221; $3,269.70 partially funded, for baby infant simulators.
Jody White, &8220;Life Imitates Art,&8221; $3,000 fully funded, for artist-in-residence program.
Cynthia Phillips, &8220;FROGuts,&8221; $325 fully funded, software program demonstrating dissections.
Keith Jackson, &8220;Laboratory Success,&8221; $2,997 partially funded, for microscopes.
Dr. Isaac Espy, &8220;Dual Enrollment Scholarship,&8221; $1,350 partially funded, for DHS students taking dual enrollment courses at Alabama Southern Community College.
Demopolis Middle School
Linda Edmonds, project leader, &8220;Do You See What I See?,&8221; $2,369.90 fully funded, for microscopes.
Geneva Howard, project leader, &8220;2Know!,&8221; $5,260 partially funded, for Renaissance Classroom Response System.
Meggin Mayben, &8220;Around the Globe in 180 Days While Using Maps,&8221; $1,714 partially funded, for classroom set of maps and holding rack.
Meggin Mayben, &8220;I&8217;ll Take Better Test Scores for 1,000, Alex,&8221; $1,089.96 partially funded, for a classroom Jeopardy! Program.
Kami Basinger and others, &8220;Pad&8221;dling toward Correct Responses,&8221; $2,458 partially funded, for Interwrite Pads and response system.
Heidi Nettles and Lisa McHugh, &8220;Inter&8221;preting Math in a New Way,&8221; $363.15 partially funded, for InterWrite Pads.
Carrie Dauphin and Dana Freeman, &8220;Where in the World is Webster?,&8221; $900 partially funded, for a set of dictionairies and thesauruses.
Ginger Godwin, &8220;Smart Tech Cart,&8221; $1,090 partially funded, for mobile cart and technology presentation equipment.
U.S. Jones Elementary winners:
Tammy Causey, project leader, &8220;Climbing to Success across the Curriculum in Physical Education,&8221; $6,410 fully funded, for a rock climbing wall system.
Penny Stanford and Erma Banks, &8220;Rapid Research,&8221; $3,990 fully funded, classroom set of encyclopedias.
Westside Elementary winners:
Angie Armstrong, &8220;Math Wizards,&8221; $600 partially funded, math hands-on activities and enrichment.
Katie Poole, &8220;Kindergarten Lagniappe,&8221; $1,500 partially funded, for classroom learning materials.
Elizabeth Renner, &8220;Maximizing Potential for Advanced Students,&8221; $2,675 partially funded, for literature for high achieving students.
Tracy Stewart, &8220;Books of Wheels,&8221; $1,117.53 fully funded, for materials needed to store and listen to books on tape/CD.
Nanette Dollar and Andrea Dunn, &8220;Singapore Math,&8221; $761.12, fully funded, for a supplemental math program
The grants committee is chaired by Dr. John Lehning of Alabama Southern Community College. Members include Superintendent Wayne Vickers, and a representative from each school: Lucinda Mason, Demopolis High; Kim Easley-Bell, Demopolis Middle; Rebecca Hasty, U.S. Jones Elementary and Debbie Butler, Westside Elementary.
See the weekend edition of The Times for photos of the grant recipients.