OUR OPINION: Make sure your mail gets to its destination

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 13, 2007

There’s good news and bad news for Christmas procrastinators. While there’s still more than a week left to go out and grab that last-minute present for your spouse, child or parent, time is swiftly diminishing for those of us who need to mail a present.

Standard mail travels much slower this time of year simply because of the amount of it the postal service must handle. So, allow much more time than usual for your package to arrive. Another issue to keep in mind about sending gifts this holiday season is that they must be addressed to a specific someone. According to an Associated Press story yesterday, mail addressed to “any wounded soldier” or anything else of the sort will not make it to its destination.

Such mail must be screened because of fears that terrorists might send toxic substances or demoralizing messages, and there isn’t adequate manpower at military hospitals to look at all the mail that is received without a specific name.

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As good as your intentions might be this Christmas, you still need to send your gifts on time and to the right person.