Shop local for last-minute holiday needs
Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 22, 2007
With gas prices on the rise and the cost of living constantly increasing, the holidays can be a financial crunch-time. This is true in our own community.
With added pressure to donate to charities and also to attend holiday events, there is often less funds and even less time to shop thoughtfully for everyone on your list.
But one way to combat this problem is to think locally. Just within the city limits and in neighboring towns, there are surprisingly good finds that help to both support and grow the local economy.
Programs such as Shop Linden, whose second prize drawing will occur later today at the city gazebo, have helped to address these concerns.
By brining local communities together, everyone wins.
You get the shopping done and make loved ones proud. The local community benefits from the financial support.
So this holiday season, especially those last minute shoppers, make it a point to shop local. It saves time and money in your pocket, and in the long run will also help the community you live in.