Only one county slot contested
Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 17, 2008
LINDEN &8212; Only one of the county seats up for election this June &8212; District 4 commissioner &8212; has more than one candidate vying for the spot.
According to Probate Judge Cindy Neilson, three candidates for the position have submitted their qualifying paperwork as of April 4. The potential commissioners include incumbent Calvin Martin, former commissioner George Baldwin and Wayne Leonard.
Martin clinched the district 4 spot in 2004 with 50.25 percent of the vote in a run-off with then incumbent George Baldwin. In the previous election in 2000, the final run-off was again between Martin and Baldwin, with Baldwin edging out Martin for the seat.
Martin is serving his first term as chairman of the County Commission. In Baldwin&8217;s previous eight years with the commission, he served as chairman twice.
If the June 3 election results in the need for a run-off, it will be held on July 15.
The other county commission spot up for re-election this year is the district 2 seat currently occupied by Dr. Ken Tucker. Tucker is running unopposed for the position.
For the Marengo County Board of Education, Arthur Hopson is running unopposed for another six-year term in district 4.
Other unopposed county seats up for re-election include Revenue Commissioner Bo McAlpine and Constable of Myrtlewood Gary Bowles.
Both the sheriff&8217;s and the remaining three commissioners&8217; terms were decided in 2006. Their seats will each be up for election in 2010.
Nielson also reports that no Republicans qualified for this year&8217;s elections. All of the candidates who qualified for county positions were Democrats.