Radiologist joins staff at hospital
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 24, 2008
DEMOPOLIS &8212; Family, friends and small-town ambience are important to Bryan W. Whitfield Memorial Hospital&8217;s newest radiologist, Dr. April Gibson. A woman of few words, Gibson chooses to devote much of her speech to those things about which she is most passionate.
So when she received an offer to work with BWWMH, Gibson was elated with the opportunity to restore to her life the things that had been lacking since her departure from the area.
After graduating from Eutaw High School in 1994, she did her undergraduate work at the University of Alabama before going on to study medicine and complete her residency at the University of South Alabama.
While the transition period has been understandably difficult, Gibson&8217;s circumstances have been complicated slightly more by her family situation. Her husband, Theo Gibson Sr., is a petroleum engineer currently working in New Orleans. The temporary separation has been somewhat trying for a woman who values family so greatly.
Despite the personal difficulty she has been facing since her June 16 arrival, Gibson has remained upbeat about her new surroundings.
She anticipates her personal life to take a turn for the better in the coming weeks as Theo becomes acclimated to his new job in Birmingham. Once she, her husband and two-year-old son, Theo Gibson Jr., are together again, Aprile&8217;s return to the Black Belt will be more complete.