LCS moves toward full roster
Published 7:38 pm Monday, June 30, 2008
LINDEN &8212; The Linden City Board of Education is one step closer to having a full roster of teachers and staff for the 2008-09 school year. Five more positions were filled this week, but at least three more remain open, school officials said Monday.
The board approved hiring first-time teachers William Matthews and Joseph Eatmon. Matthews will teach history and social science at Linden High School and serve as an assistant coach coach. He is a graduate of the University of Alabama and is working on his master&8217;s degree at the University of West Alabama.
Eatmon will teach health and physical education at George P. Austin Junior High School, a position vacated after Linden High School football coach Andro Williams requested a move to health and physical education teacher at the high school. Eatmon also has experience as both a player and coach at UWA.
Another personnel change approved by the board has former 21st Century grant site coordinator Joe Terry Johnson taking the role of graduation coach and after-school program supervisor for the school system. Part of his job includes working at all of the city schools to reduce truancy and ensure students complete graduation requirements. &8220;This is a position the state has really been pushing,&8221; Collier said. &8220;This is a part-time position, but even 25 hours a week will make a difference in our system.&8221;
Finally, the board approved hiring William Barnes as a part-time instructional music teacher and band director for the system. Barnes has worked with Linden students for the last several months on revitalizing the music and band programs for the schools.
Another decision &8212; closing the old agriscience program and moving its remaining equipment to the technology center &8212; will open up additional space for the band, Collier said.
Even with these additions, the school board still seeks three more hires: a high school science teacher, a school-wide nurse&8217;s aide and a bus driver for the vocational school. Collier expects the board will meet again before July is over to fill the remaining positions.
In other business, the board:
approved Spirit Fridays amendment to the school uniform policy.
approved the superintendent to send bid invitations for a bus for special needs students.
approved advertising and taking bids on surplus equipment and allowing superintendent to accept all reasonable bids from the highest bidder.
approved the superintendent and chief financial officer to apply for federal funds.
William Matthews as history social science teacher at Linden High School