City council shows work can be done
Published 11:47 pm Friday, March 20, 2009
When the gavel sounded to open the Demopolis City Council session on Thursday, there were seven items listed under “Unfinished Business.” When the gavel sounded to adjourn the meeting, there was only one.
This term of the Demopolis City Council began with its council members determined to be a more progressive unit, working together to make progress for the city. That determination is showing with very visible results.
This is not to say that the council members are always in total agreement with each other. Discussions over issues are often earnest and heartfelt.
While they may not be in accord on every issue, each and every member of the Demopolis City Council is focused on the betterment of the city.
While there are times when topics need to be tabled for a future council meeting, the council has been able to clear its plate of several formerly longstanding topics on the agenda like the Riverwalk project and, as of Thursday, the mutual aid agreement.
Agenda topics have been falling like trees under Paul Bunyan’s ax, allowing the council to consider new issues and begin new projects, such as the municipal complex renovation project. Next up to end their tenures on the agenda will be Fire Station No. 3’s parking lot and the Theo Ratliff Activities Center renovations.
It is refreshing to have a council made up of members not only wanting to work for the city but also anxious to get things done.
This is progress in government, something almost unheard of at the state level and all but extinct at the national level. Perhaps the Demopolis City Council needs to package whatever they have and market it to other governmental bodies. That would keep our coffers overflowing for years to come.