DHS announces 09-10 squad
Published 11:26 pm Friday, March 27, 2009
Demopolis High School cheerleading sponsor Amie Attaway officially announced the 2009-2010 squad Friday. The group of 24 girls consists of 13 veterans.
“There are seven returning seniors,” Attaway said. “I know they will bring a lot of leadership and guidance to the young girls. We do have quite a few eighth graders and ninth graders coming in.”
The squad of 24 was selected from the 32 total girls who tried out throughout the week. That number is up from the amount that took its shot at making the squad a year ago.
“With the exception of last year, that’s about the average number,” Attaway said. “Last year was down. We had 19 (girls try out).”
While she is not yet familiar with many of the girls on the new squad, Attaway expressed her belief that the group’s potential is considerable.
“We have a lot of new girls,” Attaway said. “From all appearances, going through clinic and tryouts, they have a lot of potential.”
The program conducted its clinic Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to teach hopefuls the routines with which they would need to be familiar for Thursday’s tryouts.
In addition to leading cheers at games the 2009-2010 group will be expected to carry the mantle in much the same way its predecessors have.
“In the community people don’t know quite what all the cheerleaders have to do,” Attaway said. “They represent the school in many ways around town. They visit the other schools if they need cheerleaders for any reason. They did a pep rally at the nutrition center. Preparing food for the players on Fridays. Making signs for the field. Making the run-through. Preparing routines for pep rallies and preparing for pep rallies.”
The announcement of a new team also serves as an unofficial capping of the 2008-2009 group.
“It was a great year. The girls worked together very well. They accomplished a lot and did something that no other squad at Demopolis has ever done and that’s perform at the Liberty Bowl,” Attaway said. “We have two seniors, Hillary Stapp and Anna Katherine Stuedeman, who have both been an asset to Demopolis, not only just with cheerleading, but to the school itself.”