Commission approves seeking funding for water
Published 11:03 pm Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Marengo County Commission approved a resolution to apply for funding from the Delta Regional Authority to help provide water to the Old Macedonia Road area in northwestern Marengo County.
“The bid was previously $100,000,” said commissioner Freddy Armstead, “so what I did was put in for $100,000, knowing that we would get at least $75,000 and could possibly get $100,000 to complete that project.
“There is a lot of money out there. There was also money for paving two industrial parks, and I hope that I’ve got some money to do the industrial parks in Linden. I met with the mayor (Mitzi Gates), and she approved it. The only thing is, we need to have the signed contracts from the companies that they are going in there.”
Armstead said the money from Delta Regional in a non-matching grant that would not require any funds from the county commission.
The commission also agreed to take part in the Subsidized Employment Program for an employee at the Marengo County Library. The program is a part of the federal stimulus funds, and requires only that the commission pay its share of the taxes involved with the employee.
The commission agreed to provide $2,000 this month for the drug court program, and would try to provide $2,000 each month, to be determined on a monthly basis.
The commission also agreed to sponsor the summer feeding program in Marengo County, and adopted a motor vehicle report for county employees.
The commission tabled action on a bid opening for a roof for the Marengo County Library. The library may plan to rebid its roof, requesting a different material for its roof.
Commission attorney Woody Dinning said that he would try to contact Goodwin, Mills and Cawood regarding the roof on the Marengo County Courthouse, which had been leaking in places.
The next meeting of the Marengo County Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, April 13, at 9 a.m. in the commission chambers in the Marengo County Courthouse.