Mrs. Clean looks to clean up streets
Published 4:50 pm Monday, October 4, 2010
Kesia Martin, known to most as Mrs. Clean, is known for her skill in cleaning many of the offices and buildings around town.
Now, she’s turning her attentions to cleaning the streets.
Martin has established a fund at Regions Bank and is soliciting donations that would purchase lawn and garden tools for at-risk youths.
The program, Martin said, would teach at-risk students how to use these tools and earn money by performing yard work and chores.
“We have a few people in the area who are in desperate need of help,” she said. “We’re talking about changing people’s lives.”
Martin said she already has approximately 25 people lined up for the training, about 15 of which are in Demopolis.
What she’s looking for now are literally the tools to help these people earn a living.
“Blowers, saws, swing axes, rakes and just about any yard tool,” she listed among the items she will use to train her students. “Even large garbage bags.”
Once she has secured the tools, Martin said she would work with the students to teach them how to present themselves to potential customers.
“You have to show them how to ask for the work,” she said. “It’s as easy as walking up to them and introducing yourself and telling them how you can help them in return for payment.”
Martin said teaching these students, mostly men, how to properly address the public will likely be her biggest obstacle.
“I will not tolerate cussing,” she said. “I’m going to work closely with them, find out about their personality and change some of that.”
Funds can be donated at any Regions Bank branch under the Donation Help Fund. Please footnote Kesia Martin on the memo line.