Set a reminder for Saturday Halloween
Published 11:11 pm Friday, October 8, 2010
When I was a kid, I loved Halloween.
Next to Thanksgiving, it was probably my favorite “holiday.”
When Halloween fell on a school night, I was devastated.
Homework and bedtime only cut short my candy procuring efforts.
I carried my love for Halloween through my college years with various costume parties and related events and, I think, I have successfully passed my passion for this time of year onto my children.
Lizzie, my oldest daughter, puts as much thought into the selection of her hallowen costume as I did at her age.
It has to be something “cool” but it also has to be something that not everyone else will have. This year, Lizzie will be a bat. My youngest, four-month-old Bradlee, will be a banana. She takes the prize for most original.
This year, Halloween falls on a Sunday; arguably the worst night possible for trick-or-treating. Church conflicts and getting ready for Monday are poor bedfellows for jack-o-lanterns.
I don’t get swept up in the good versus evil aspect of Halloween but understand that is a concern for some. I believe Halloween is an excuse for adults to act like children with their children and have some fun; at least that’s the excuse I use.
If you see otherwise, I can respect that.
Thankfully, the Demopolis city council has elected to observe Halloween the day before: Saturday, Oct. 30. Doing so takes any church conflicts off the table, which is important. Too, it allows children to attend any “trunk or treat” events that many churches will sponsor while not taking away from trick-or-treat time.
For those of you wondering, Alabama is off that Saturday and Auburn plays at Ole Miss. Given Ole Miss’ current football woes it’s more than likely that kickoff will be in the morning or early afternoon.
With no good football on television, – or even in town – parents, mark your calendars and remember to hit the streets one night early this year.
If by some chance you forget, I’m sure Lizzie will remind you. She’ll be ringing your doorbell shortly after sunset.
And if you’re a hardcore candy grubber, you can travel down to Linden on Sunday.
The city will observe Halloween on it’s regular day. Two days full of tick-or-treating makes for an awesome weekend in my book.
Jason Cannon is the editor and publisher of The Demopolis Times.