COTR in need of a chairman for ‘11
Published 7:10 pm Friday, February 4, 2011
Demopolis’ 40th installment of Christmas on the River is nearly 10 months away but already lacks one key component: a chairman.
Demopolis Area Chamber of Commerce Director Jenn Tate said Friday that she had hoped to have a new chairman in place by the Chamber’s COTR critique last week.
That did not happen.
This is a volunteer position, and it’s a tough one.
There are many, many committees of volunteers that keep Christmas on the River going.
It’s a production of many blistered hands and many aching backs by mid-December.
It’s hard to imagine Demopolis without Christmas on the River but what many people may not realize is that if just a handful of volunteers that dedicate their free time to this event ever left, it could be disastrous to the event.
In my opinion, the 2011 event was one of the more successful in recent years. Cooperation from Mother Nature, finally, played a large role in that.
But, again, so did many hours of volunteer work.
Jenn Tate is hopeful that this year she can find both a COTR Chairman and a co-chairman. The co-chairman would serve as a vice president of sorts, stepping into the “big chair” for the 2012 installment and would also inherit a 2012 co-chairman.
The co-chairman also provides the Chamber with another set of hands with which to work in float construction, painting, lighting, traffic control and everything else.
Equitable workload distribution makes great things happen; great things like COTR.
Being part of Christmas on the River is a rewarding experience. Putting your stamp on one of the city’s largest annual attractions should be important to everyone.
I challenge each of you over the next 10 months to find a little time in your schedules come this next holiday season and dedicate a few hours and a few hands to your Christmas on the River.
Plans for this year’s event are already underway.
And if you’re interested in taking ownership of the project and serving as chairman or co-char, please contact Jenn Tate at the Chamber of Commerce at 289-0270.
She will be glad you did and, come late December 2011, you will be too.
Jason Cannon is the publisher of The Demopolis Times.